Friday, July 15, 2011

Clumsy, but Successful!

I have had such a clumsy day. I used a step stool to reach the top cupboard and banged my knee on the counter. I walked in the front door and the screen door hit my heel. I walk outside and step in a puddle. I hit my fingers about three times when putting a nail in the wall. So obviously today is a great day to use my uncle's saw to cut the chair rail, right?

Well luckily I didn't kill myself! I went outside into the heat (you'll notice my camera fogged up because it's so humid out. Yuck.) and tried to figure out how to turn the saw on... Well apparently there's a super safety feature on it so you have to use one hand to hold the safety notch and the other to pull the power trigger. But then there's the cover over the blade which has to be pushed back when cutting something, so I either need three hands or something to hold the chair rail up when I cut it. So I put the chair rail on my cement back steps and use one foot to hold it in place. With my two hands I power the saw and slice through the wood! Great success! The edges look kind of rough, but I'll sand them up and it should be fine. I'm obviously not a carpenter, but I AM creative! So if anyone needs me to cut something, I might just be able to do that for you :)

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